Daniel Prato
Daniel Prato is a Scientist on air quality (Environmental Engineer, Master in Automotive Engineering & Dr. in Engineering Sciences). He currently works as a research manager at LOGYCA and the Latin-American Center for Innovation in logistics. He has been leading projects financed by NGOs, and the local and national authorities in Colombia, Mexico, and the United States during the last twelve years. Those projects are directly related to the use of technical and scientific knowledge to support public policy formulation in sustainable mobility, freight transportation, and air quality at a regional scale. He has experience working with multilateral organizations in the development of innovative solutions for cities, based on the optimization of companies’ operations processes, gaining efficiency in cost, energy, and emissions; and collaborative strategies that allow the articulation of multiple actors (industry, government, academy, community, etc.) to solve the real-world problems, mobilizing and articulating stakeholders for the implementation of high-impact projects at the local and regional scale in areas such as electrification of the last-mile transportation.
Research manager
LOGYCA & Latin-American Center for Innovation in logistics
All sessions by
Daniel Prato

How to plan for sustainable and efficient urban logistics systems
9:00 – 10:30
CCL, Hall 2
Spotlight on Research session