Summit programme
The Summit programme is carefully prepared in collaboration with the International Transport Forum’s 64 member countries, with input from a wide range of stakeholders, including ITF’s partner international organisations.
Event type
Summit themes
- Booking required
- Off-site
- Restricted participation

Sustainable Mobility for All 15th Consortium Meeting
Organiser: SuM4All

TUMI2023 Conference: Feminist Voices in Transport
Organiser: Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative

Financing and Delivery of Safer Roads and Streets for Europe Roundtable Event
Organiser: International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP)

PIARC Advisory group meeting
Organiser: PIARC

iRAP Global Policy Advisory Committee (GPAC) Meeting
Organiser: International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP)

7th ZEV Transition Council Ministerial
Organiser: UK Department for Transport

How to design safe and equitable transport systems to give access to all?
Spotlight on Research session

Electric Motorcycles – The solution to the urban mobility problem
Organiser: Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM)

Closing the gender gap in transport entrepreneurship
Networking breakfast and panel discussion

Media Breakfast: Summit kick-off for journalists
⇒ A large number of press conferences and briefings take place during the Summit, organised both by the ITF and partner organisations.

Used vehicles trade – turning burden into opportunity
Organiser: Circular Cars Initiative (World Economic Forum)

MRT 1: Transport and climate change: Moving forward from COP27
Ministers’ Roundtable

Closed Door Meeting: Zero-Emission Truck Policy Group
Organisers: Transport Decarbonisation Alliance, CALSTART/Drive to Zero, the Netherlands, and the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT)

The Western Balkans: Challenges and Perspectives for Sustainable Transport and Regional Connectivity
Organiser: OECD GRC

Is transport on track for the circular economy?
Panel discussion

ITF Transport Outlook 2023: The future of sustainable mobility
ITF in Focus session

Moving Goods Sustainably for Resilient Economic Growth and Integration
Organiser: The World Bank

Bioethanol: Fueling Forward to Net-Zero
Organiser: U.S. Grains Council

Latin American Ministers’ Roundtable Lunch on Low Carbon Transport for Equitable Growth
Organisers: ITF & IDB

Meeting of the Mobility Industry of the World Economic Forum with the Corporate Partnership Board and Ministers of the International Transport Forum
Organisers: ITF (CPB) & WEF

Zero Emission Emerging market initiative: Accelerating ZEV deployment in EMDE
Organiser: World Business Council for Sustainable Development

Making Research Count in Transport Policy

Transport as an enabler of sustainable economies, peace and stability in time of crisis
Opening Plenary

Launch of the Gender and Electric Mobility Working Group
Organisers: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in coordination with Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI)

The Sustainable Mobility Jigsaw: fitting the pieces together to reach our goal
Organiser: FIA Foundation

Is transport ready for the impacts of climate change? The role of adaptation strategies in supporting resilient transport networks
Organisers: UK Department for Transport and Mott Macdonald

High-Level Panel & Workshop: Zero Emission Trucks Are Here – How to finance the transition?
Organisers: The Netherlands, CALSTART/Drive to Zero, Smart Freight Centre, World Bank, the ICCT, Electric Vehicles Initiative, WBCSD, Climate Group, Transport Decarbonisation Alliance, C40, WRI, Concito, ICLEI, the UC Berkeley Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment, and Transport and Environment.

Presenting the ITF Mobility Innovation Hub: Measuring New Mobility
ITF in Focus session

Financing equitable, green and safe transport
Panel discussion

Award ceremony: IRU presents special plaque of recognition to ITF
Organiser: World Road Transport Organisation (IRU)

MRT 2: Resilient supply chains: Preparing for and recovering from major disruptions to transport systems
Ministers’ Roundtable

Unlocking economic growth in low-income countries through sustainable and inclusive transport
Organisers: HVT, IRF and Sum4ALL

Closing the health care gap with technology
Organiser: Uber Health

Presidency Reception

Special MRT: Global Transport and the War in Ukraine: Short- and Long-term Measures for Sustainable Recovery
Ministers’ Roundtable

Keeping the world connected through low carbon transport
Organisers: bp, DHL, Uber & Volvo

The Aichi 2030 Declaration and the Asian Transport Outlook: Linking Regional Policy Approaches and Knowledge Management in Asia
Organisers: Asian Development Bank (ADB) & United Nations Center for Regional Development (UNCRD)

Transport for sustainable economies: A youth perspective
Panel discussion

How to capture accessibility benefits in transport planning
Panel discussion

The good, the bad and the ugly about getting and using data for an inclusive and sustainable mobility in LATAM
Organisers: CAF, IADB & TUMI

MPGCA Transport community networking event and workshop
Organiser: Climate Champions Team

Council of Ministers of Transport
Closed Ministerial session

Transport Data Explorer – Rank, compare, explore country transport data

Transport Research Committee: Programme of Work (PoW) 2024-25 Taskforce meeting
Organiser: Transport Research Committee

Towards a Just Green Transformation in Transport: Lessons learnt from maritime
Organisers: UN Global Compact, International Chamber of Shipping, and International Transport Workers Federation

Boosting sustainable economies through greening transport
Open Ministerial session

Urban Mobility Observatory: Contributing to Closing the Data Gap in Latin America
Organisers: Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) & Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)

Carbon-free and inclusive mobility for Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games
Organiser: Ministère de la Transition écologique et de la Cohésion des territoires, France

Tackling poverty: What is the role of transport?
Plenary session

Pedaling into the future: How can we ensure cycling and micromobility become embedded as preferred and safe modes of urban transport?
Organiser: PTV Group & IRAP

MRT 3: Shaping active mobility: The role of governments
Ministers’ Roundtable

Financing transport climate adaptation: Strategies that work
Panel discussion

Collective action for Clean Transport Finance: How to institutionalize collaboration to scale private sector finance in transport – starting with electric buses
Organisers: WBCSD (in collaboration with World Bank, UNEP, COP champions, Smart Freight center, NJ Kenhka Foundation, ZEVTC IAT, UITP, and GEF/GCF)

What are the costs of greening and adapting transport?
Spotlight on Research session

Making roads safe for all users: UN Special Envoy for Road Safety Jean Todt
Fireside chat

Accessible and sustainable transport systems in African cities for all: Filling in the data gap

How can safer roads boost the economy?
Panel discussion

Award ceremony: ITF Young Researcher of the Year

How to plan for sustainable and efficient urban logistics systems
Spotlight on Research session

A just transition to net-zero: focus on the transport workforce
Panel discussion

Enhancing Policy, Action & Accountability for Safe Mobility
Organisers: SuM4All, and its members, the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, the International Road Federation (IRF), and Michelin.

Saxony Presents: Driving tomorrow – Fuel Cell Technology as Future of Clean Mobility & Digital Mobility Service in Small Townships
Organisers: Saxony State, Fraunhofer IWU & ERZmobil

Transport enhancing economic growth: Local and regional perspectives
Plenary session