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ITF Transport Outlook 2023: The future of sustainable mobility


This session will present the findings of the ITF Transport Outlook 2023 and offer the opportunity to discuss their implications for a global transition to sustainable mobility. The ITF Transport Outlook 2023 focuses on scenarios for the future of transport policy. Among other aspects, it analyses how transport decarbonisation policies impact regions in different ways. It also examines non-CO2-related effects of transport decarbonisation policies in cities. The Transport Outlook also looks at how investments in transport infrastructure and revenue from vehicle taxes could be affected by a higher ambition to decarbonise transport. After the key findings of the Outlook are presented, a panel discussion will follow, focussing on strategies and investment for achieving the transition to sustainable mobility around the globe.

Read a summary of this session (PDF).




11:00 - 12:30


CCL, Hall 2


Head of Sustainability
International Union of Railways (UIC)
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Sustainable Transportation and Fuels, Department of Energy

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