Deepty Jain
Dr Jain is an architect and planner by training with specialization in transportation planning, built environment studies, social-environmental impact assessment with a special focus on marginalized groups, behavioral analysis and urban planning. Her work focuses on low carbon mobility, SDGs, climate change mitigation, adaptation choices and resilient cities and communities.
Her Ph.D. work contributed to developing comprehensive mobility planning guidelines for medium-size Indian cities which was adopted by Ministry of Urban Development in 2014.
Her recent work focuses on assessing adaptation capacity and identification of strategies to build resilient infrastructure, cities and communities. Her project “Air QUality Impact on Transport choices – AQUIT” funded by Central Pollution Control Board contributes towards understanding nexus between air quality, built environment and transport choices for Delhi while understanding vulnerability of the vulnerable road users in degraded air quality conditions. This work helps in measuring uncertainties in future transport planning.
Assistant Professor
Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
All sessions by
Deepty Jain

How to design safe and equitable transport systems to give access to all?
09:00 – 10:30
CCL, Hall 4
Spotlight on Research session