Efraím Zeledón Leiva
Efraim Zeledon is the vice minister of infrastructure of Costa Rica. He was born in the state of San Jose on July 1982. Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Institute of Technology of Costa Rica he then obtained a Master’s Degree in Business Engineering and Construction Law from the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
With extensive experience in project management and contract law he is in charge of roads and seaports infrastructure development and maintenance in Costa Rica.
Prior to his current position, Minister Zeledón was involved in project management with the United Nations (UNOPS), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the German Technical Cooperation (GIZ).
Vice Minister of Infrastructure, Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Costa Rica
All sessions by
Efraím Zeledón Leiva

MRT 3: Shaping active mobility: The role of governments
Ministerial Event
16:30 – 18:00
Ministers’ Roundtable