Heather Thompson
Heather Thompson has been with ITDP for more than a dozen years, first serving on its Board of Directors and now as CEO. She has two decades of experience in the environmental non-profit sector, designing and carrying out strategies with large-scale impact. Before her time as CEO, she co-founded and served as Vice President of Programs at ClimateWorks Foundation, a network of foundations and expert teams which promote sectoral policies to mitigate climate change. Prior to that, Ms. Thompson was a Principal at California Environmental Associates where she led the firm’s work in philanthropic strategy, covering energy and climate change, marine resource management, biodiversity protection, and land conservation. She holds a Master of Science in environmental economics from the University of York, UK, and has worked abroad in China, Denmark, and the UK.
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP)
All sessions by
Heather Thompson

How to capture accessibility benefits in transport planning
9:00 – 10:30
CCL, Hall 2
Panel discussion