Johanna Tzanidaki
A Greek national, Johanna Tzanidaki holds a PhD in EU Law from the Universities of Southampton and Cambridge, UK, and an LLM from Leiden Law School, The Netherlands. She also holds an MA and an MPhil from the UK Universities of Bristol and Cambridge and has professional qualifications in Project Management (PRINCE2), in CSR (Harvard Business School) and in Social Accountability (SAI). With long experience in EU Affairs and Policy, she has previously worked for the TomTom Group as Director of Public Affairs. She has launched and co-Chaired the ERTICO Innovation Platform TM 2.0 on Interactive Traffic Management since 2014. Johanna has been extensively involved in the TISA ITS Directive WG and the EU EIP-TISA work on the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) related EU Commission Delegated Regulations. She has participated in the workings of the C-ITS Platform, the Single Platform for CCAM and currently represents ERTICO in the CCAM Association (PPP) run under the auspices of the European Commission serving as the elected co-leader of Cluster 4 (Vehicle integration into the CCAM system). She joined the ERTICO team in July 2017 and served as Director of Innovation and Deployment until March 2022, when she was promoted to Chief Innovation Officer (CIO). She has been appointed a member of the US Transport Research Board (TRB, US Academy of Sciences) in April 2022.
Chief Innovation Officer
All sessions by
Johanna Tzanidaki

How can safer roads boost the economy?
16:45 – 18:00
CCL, Hall 2
Panel discussion