Thaynara Silva
Thaynara Silva is an economist specialised in mobility and sustainable environment. She worked as a consultant with experience in environmental assessment and transport planning focused on public policies for projects in Latin America and Europe.
Since 2019 she works as Transportation Economist for SNCF Réseau, infrastructure manager of railways in France and has led socioeconomic evaluations of projects within the French territory. Member of the group network of experts Synapses, she leads the internal group works on the rail system vulnerability to weather hazards and the total costs related to the adaptation of the rail industry to climate change and its consequences to the society.
She holds a MSc in Sustainable Transportation (Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées, France) as well as in Sustainable Technology (KTH, Sweden) and a degree in Environmental Engineer (UFRJ, Brazil).
SNCF Réseau
All sessions by
Thaynara Silva

What are the costs of greening and adapting transport?
16:30 – 18:00
CCL, Hall 4
Spotlight on Research session