Toni Zhimomi
Toni Zhimomi holds a Master’s degree in Energy science and Engineering and a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. She worked as a Research Assistant at the Centre of Advanced Research in Electrified Transportation in AMU.
Currently, she is an advisor at GIZ India working for the NDC-TIA project (Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)–Transport Initiative for Asia(TIA). As part of the project, she supports the team in conducting various research activities in EV and charging infrastructure related areas such as EV grid integration, Smart charging strategies and Renewable Energy based charging infrastructure.
Junior Transport and Infrastructure Advisor
GIZ India
All sessions by
Toni Zhimomi

How to design safe and equitable transport systems to give access to all?
09:00 – 10:30
CCL, Hall 4
Spotlight on Research session