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Is transport on track for the circular economy?


This session will explore how the transport sector can introduce and scale up more circular economy solutions. A major consumer of natural resources, transport is still far from achieving circularity. The transport sector accounts for two-thirds of global oil consumption, 13% of steel consumption and is expected to account for 80% of future battery consumption. Reducing the sector's dependence on fossil fuels and improving recycling and material efficiency in vehicles and batteries will be essential to reduce environmental impacts. Shifting production patterns and incentivising consumption changes from linear to circular ones can also significantly affect transport's economic efficiency and sustainability.

  • How can circular economy principles be successfully applied to transport and supply chains?
  • In times of energy crisis and urgency of climate change action, what policies and regulations will foster circularity? What can transport learn from other sectors?
  • How central is innovation to unlocking the benefits of circularity for more resilient and sustainable transport and supply chain systems?

Read a summary of this session (PDF).




11:00 - 12:30


CCL, Hall 3


Sustainability, External Affairs and R&D Partnerships Director
Executive Director
REN21 – Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century
Senior Vice President, Sustainable Development & Impact
Executive Vice President, Emerging Energy Solutions
Executive Director
Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking

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