Erica Vieira Marcos
Erica Marcos has been the Environmental Executive Manager at Brazil National Transportation Confederation (CNT) since 2017, where she is in charge of the technical content of one of the largest environmental transportation programs in Brazil, called Despoluir.
She currently represents the transportation sector at the the Brazilian national fund on climate change and at the environmental council in the Ministry of the Environment. In 2022, she represented CNT at COP 27.
Previously, Erica worked in TNT Express, as the corporate responsability specialist, where she took care of the social and environmental agendas of the Brazilian unit.
After TNT, Erica worked at Smart Freight Centre, in the Netherlands, as the Global Freight Initiatives Coordinator, where she contributed with the creation of the Global Logistics Emissions Council.
Subsequently, Erica worked, as a consultant, in The International Council on Clean Transportation. In this role, she led the coordination, and contributed as a moderator, at the Latin America Green Freight Workshop, held in Argentina.
Erica holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Fordham University and a Master of Science in Sustainability Management from Columbia University, both in New York. During her final academic year, she co-authored a report, published by the Earth Institute, on Urban Mobility: Transit Oriented Development in Bridgeport, Connecticut” for the Regional Plan Association.
She has a post-graduation in Social Innovation Management from Amani Institute. As a young professional, Erica has interned at the United Nations Development Programme in New York and in the University of Deusto in Bilbao.
Environmental Executive Manager
National Transportation Confederation, Brazil
All sessions by
Erica Vieira Marcos

Financing transport climate adaptation: Strategies that work
16:30 – 18:00
CCL, Hall 3
Panel discussion