Stientje van Veldhoven
Stientje van Veldhoven is the Vice President and Regional Director for Europe and is based in the Europe Regional Office in The Hague. Stientje has been a prominent politician in the Netherlands, most recently serving as a Member of Cabinet responsible for Public Transport and Environment and as Minister for the Environment and Housing.
She has also been a Member of Parliament, an international diplomat, representing the Dutch government in the European Union in Brussels and has been working with the European Commission DG research and development. Stientje has had longstanding involvement in environmental issues, especially related to climate change, energy and the circular economy. Stientje is based in the Europe Regional Office in The Hague.
Vice President & Regional Director for Europe
World Resources Institute (WRI)
All sessions by
Stientje van Veldhoven

Transport enhancing economic growth: Local and regional perspectives
11:00 – 12:30
CCL, Hall 1
Plenary session

Stientje van Veldhoven
Stientje van Veldhoven is the Vice President and Regional Director for Europe and is based in the Europe Regional Office in The Hague. Stientje has been a prominent politician in the Netherlands, most recently serving as a Member of Cabinet responsible for Public Transport and Environment and as Minister for the Environment and Housing.
She has also been a Member of Parliament, an international diplomat, representing the Dutch government in the European Union in Brussels and has been working with the European Commission DG research and development. Stientje has had longstanding involvement in environmental issues, especially related to climate change, energy and the circular economy. Stientje is based in the Europe Regional Office in The Hague.
Vice President & Regional Director for Europe
World Resources Institute (WRI)
All sessions by
Stientje van Veldhoven

Transport enhancing economic growth: Local and regional perspectives
11:00 – 12:30
CCL, Hall 1
Plenary session